
Continuous Improvement in Oil & Gas


At this year’s 51st annual Global Petroleum Show, Kaizen Institute North America took part in the event as an exhibitor. Esteemed as North America’s leading energy event, the Global Petroleum Show gathers government officials, corporate executives, innovators, and decision makers from over 100 countries to engage in discussions shaping the future of the energy industry. The event offered a platform for Kaizen Institute to share our knowledge of Continuous Improvement strategies and initiatives – helping many industry leaders gain a competitive advantage by reducing Lead Times and operating costs.

 New this year to the Global Petroleum Show was a separate three-day strategic and technical conference discussing three themes: transitioning toward the future, future-proofing the business model, and focusing on Canada as the world’s most responsible producer. The conference kicked off day one with a speech from Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and what was said to be the largest oil and gas rally in Canadian history. 

 Alberta is open for business 

 A message brought by many to this year’s event, including Premier Jason Kenney and the Honourable Tanya Fir – Alberta is open for business – is gaining much traction in bringing international investment and innovation from around the globe. With the world’s third largest oil reserves, Alberta boasts investment opportunities like no other – and Kaizen Institute is ready to support businesses rising to the challenge in making Alberta a global investment destination.  

 In order to achieve dreams of business performance, oil and gas companies must invest in their growth. Companies do this by implementing KAIZEN™ methodologies in their daily business practices. The key to not only remaining economically viable but continuing to thrive in deteriorating market conditions is by focusing on margins, not only production.  

 Continuous Improvement in Oil & Gas 

 At Kaizen Institute, we believe Continuous Improvement is not only about improving processes but about empowering the people. Our clients achieve successful organizational transformations through long-term people-based business excellence systems because we understand that success is not only about getting tangible financial results but also about developing individuals capable of sustaining a Continuous Improvement culture. Kaizen Institute supports leading heavy oil producers in reducing operating costs, improving productivity and reducing their environmental footprint.  At the 2019 Global Petroleum Show, Kaizen Institute engaged in dialogue with many leading energy companies to share the success our clients have experienced since embarking on the KAIZEN™ journey. 

 We look forward to sparking new conversations surrounding innovation and energy at the 2020 Global Petroleum Show, all of which is at the heart of Kaizen Institute – Continuous Improvement. 


Kaizen Institute, Ltd.

Global Operations – Zug, Switzerland


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