Quality ManagementQuality Management

Quality Management Consulting

Achieve zero defects and autonomous quality with advanced lean solutions

With the evolution of technology, improving quality management has become digital. Today, ensuring compliance with requirements and controlling the process can be done through statistical analysis methodologies, complex quality problem-solving, and standardization.

We can help you establish standardized processes and robust problem-solving dynamics in every aspect of quality enhancement.

Traditional Approach

Lean Approach

Traditional Approach

Control and inspection

Lean Approach

Feedback loop and quality circles

Traditional Approach

Measure the cost of quality

Lean Approach

Reduce non-quality costs

Traditional Approach

Batch rejection

Lean Approach

First-time quality

Our Solutions

We bring a full range of capabilities to help companies climb the quality ladder toward achieving zero defects.

  • Develop execution and inspection standards to prevent a recurrence.
  • Train employees on the standards.

  • Increase overall quality by following a structured approach to eliminate errors and defects.
  • Develop problem-solving capabilities to identify and eliminate root causes effectively.

  • Visualize the errors and defects throughout the value chain.
  • Establish the relationships between the point of detection and the point of origin of defects.
  • Develop autonomous quality means to avoid making and passing defects such as standards, Poka-Yoke, and SPC.

  • Eliminate the chance for variations and defects with F-VMEA.
  • Improve the processes to be under control and within specification limits following the DMAIC framework.


30 to 40%

Average customer complaints decrease

10 to 25%

Average non-quality cost reduction

20 to 35%

Average defect rate reduction

Ready to start?

Find out what are the key opportunities in your processes by conducting a diagnosis workshop

Want to get more insights?

Every industry faces different obstacles

Kaizen Institute works directly with the client teams, with a “Hands On” and “Teaching by Doing” approach

Kaizen Institute works directly with the client teams, with a “Hands On” and “Learning by Doing” approach