Enjoy a free excerpt of Masaaki Imai’s third book “Strategic KAIZEN™: Using Flow, Synchronization, and Leveling [FSL™] Assessment to Measure and Strengthen Operational Performance” and grab your copy today via this link.
The Reason for the Third Book
“This is my third book on management, following the first book, Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success, and the second book, Gemba Kaizen. In the third book, Strategic KAIZEN™, I have selected three key words, namely, CEOs (top management), customer, and gemba employees as the raison d’être of business operations…
…The ultimate objective of a company is solely to realize customer satisfaction, which assures the ongoing sustainability of the company. When these goals are achieved, the company can gain ongoing successful life. The customer requirements must be identified and satisfied…
… The following is the main structure of corporate governance as I have drawn out in this book. These are the decisions of CEOs (top management), customer satisfaction, followed by realizing it through the workflow in the gemba. The book deals with only three raisons d’être among all companies in the whole world, in the order of CEO, customer, and gemba…
…The only requirement is for the CEO to make the ultimate and most important decision to adopt the FSL strategy, and challenge for the highest level FSL to reach the top of the lean summit.”
Masaaki Imai, founder of Kaizen Institute, and author of Kaizen, Gemba Kaizen and Strategic KAIZENä. © 2021 by McGraw Hill. Reprinted with permission.
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