Benchmarks & Client Cases

Strat KAIZEN™ in Fuel Company – Gas Stations


The Case

Market share loss trend
Market Share loss trend
  • From 2011 to 2016 market lost value as the low-cost segment grew
  • 2015: The loss of share and profitability is exacerbated. Teams are discouraged
  • 2016: Lack of a clear focus and weak implementation
  • 2017: Start-up Strat to Action + PMO

The solution

Strat to Action Plan – For profitability increase
Strat to Action Plan – For profitability increase
  • Customer Centricity Program based on segmentation, service improvement and pain points elimination
  • Breakthrough Hoshin deployment with 28 projects in 5 strategic initiatives
  • Hoshin follow-up with countermeasures process and PMO training

The Results

Sustained increase and economic recovery
Sustained Increase and Economic Recovery

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