
Kaizen Institute at Conference Industry 5.0


On 17-18 June, 2021 the Akademia WSB, Poland, will host the International Scientific Conference “Industry 5.0”, which will take place online at the WSB University. The aim of the conference is an international exchange of ideas, research results and practical experience in the field of Industry 5.0, new technologies and innovations.

The conference participants are represented by international scientists specialised in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as by representatives of business communities, non-governmental organisations, local government units and representatives of science, culture, education and other practitioners interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.

At the conference representatives from Kaizen Institute Poland will give valuable insights into the topic KAIZEN™ Transformation. The speakers from Kaizen Institute Poland are:

  • Mariusz Bryke, Managing Director, Kaizen Institute Poland. Lecture: KAIZEN™ Transformation
  • Andre Oliveira, Senior Consultant, Kaizen Institute Poland. Lecture: KAIZEN™ Business System and KAIZEN™ Transformation
  • Grzegorz Koprowski, Consultant, Kaizen Institute Poland. Lecture: Machine learning from the point of view of KAIZEN™ Transformation

To learn more about the conference click here. The participation at the conference is free of charge. All lectures will be broadcasted in English on YouTube. The chairpersons are:

  • Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Szczepańska – Woszczyna, PhD, Vice Rector for Science and Education, WSB University
  • Marcin Lis, PhD, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Environment Cooperation, WSB University

The conference is funded under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education titled “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019-2022, project number 018/RID/2018/19.


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