Kaizen Institute Norway organized their annual KAIZEN™ Conference Norway in February 2019. The main topic of the conference was KAIZEN™ Transformation. Art Byrne was invited as the key note speaker for the conference.
Art’s KAIZEN™ journey started in Hartford Connecticut, in 1987, when he met Masaaki Imai, the founder of Kaizen Institute. It was shortly after Masaaki Imai introducing the KAIZEN™ methodology to the world, via his book, Kaizen: The key to Japan’s Competitive Success (McGraw-Hill 1986). Since then, Art has conducted 35+ Lean turn-arounds, within different industries, obtaining remarkable results.
Back in the 80’s, after spending two days with Masaaki Imai, Art was completely convinced about the significant achievement the KAIZEN™ methodology can make. Being inspired by Masaaki Imai, a group of executives of Danaher Corporation decided to implement the Toyota Production System (TPS). Art, leading the work at Danaher, took some TPS experts along to quickly start with the implementation of TPS. Danaher became the famous Lean beacon in the US. Art explained to the conference participants that approaches like TPS and KAIZEN™ work well in any industry, based on his own experiences helping many companies.
Kaizen Institute has been devoting its resources to develop a business system, for more than thirty years, to improve the companies around the world. There have been some changes observed in the field of Continuous Improvement over the years, so it is necessary for us to also improve ourselves in order to be able to teach and transfer our knowledge and skills to our clients in a most effective way possible. This simply means that the KAIZEN™ methodology itself has been constantly evolving in order to implement a sustainable culture and results. The fundamentals and principles remain the same since the 80’s, but the way we support companies is always being improved.
Kaizen Institute’s KAIZEN™ Business System (KBS) enables organisations to achieve the same magnificent results demonstrated by Toyota, Danaher and multiple clients of Kaizen Institute. As one of our clients in Norway reflected:“We have achieved more in these four days with the implementation of Breakthrough KAIZEN™, then we would have achieved in two years with our traditional improvement approach.” We hope that Art’s journey inspired the audience and welcomed them to join for a successful KAIZEN™ transformation.
Kaizen Institute Norway
c/a Regus Business Center, Lysaker torg 5, 1366 Lysaker,
0219 Baerum, Norway