
From Idea to Market – Hotel Chocolat Webinar Series


Explore behind the scenes of Hotel Chocolat: the innovative player shaking up the chocolate world

Grasp the insights on their improvement culture, optimized operations, and strategy for growth.

Join us on this virtual journey, 
covering the business from start to finish!

October 2021

The Recipe for Success: Interview with COO Matt Margereson

Learn about how company culture contributes to performance.
What comes next: a global strategy for improvement and growth.
Get all the answers from Matt during the Q&A session.

November 2021

Accelerating Product Development: Virtual Tour with a Senior Project Manager

Walk through the product development process and what it takes to transform an idea into a product. Learn what has changed to deliver new products to the market faster.

December 2021

Boosting Warehouse Fulfilment Operations: Virtual Tour with a Senior Warehouse Manager

Peek inside Hotel Chocolat’s operations and see what changed with the boom of online sales. Uncover the new normal for fulfillment teams.

February 2022

Stepping-Up Packing Operations: Virtual Tour with a Manufacturing Operations Executive

Grasp the challenges of managing a production facility first-hand. See how Hotel Chocolat was able to improve packing capacity and set an improvement culture.

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