Implementation of a Capability Building System in an MNC

Case Study

Implementation of a Capability Building System in an MNC


The Company

The company is an MNC operating in the consumer goods industry. It ranks among the largest companies in this market globally and, to this day, still experiences continuous year-on-year growth. Founded as a result of a strategic merger, it operates production centers in various regions, including North America, Europe, and Asia. With extensive experience in the consumer goods market, the company offers a diverse portfolio with hundreds of products, covering categories such as personal care, health, wellness, and hygiene. Its products are used in various sectors, including healthcare, beauty, baby care, and household hygiene.

The Challenge

Over the years, the company initiated various continuous improvement projects with isolated teams and limited reach at different sites. Although successful, these projects were focused on specific areas with no global integration. Following these improvements, the company faced the challenge of developing the entire organization’s capabilities in an efficient, standardized, and scalable manner. The approach of conducting small group training sessions was not viable due to the large number of employees and cultural, geographical, and language barriers.

The Approach

A capability-building system was implemented to address this challenge. Before developing this system, a comprehensive assessment was required to identify competency gaps. Alongside the company, we thoroughly analyzed employees’ skills and knowledge, establishing which areas needed improvement from a top management’s point of view. The employees requiring training were identified, prioritizing those in critical positions for organizational performance. Additionally, the approach had to consider the workforce’s cultural and geographical diversity, selecting a flexible and accessible e-learning system that could effectively and efficiently reach many employees.

The initial catalog included 10 foundational KAIZEN™ courses. The training consisted of theory, practice, and on-the-job application.

 These were the capability-building system’s key features:

Self-Paced E-Learning Academy

An integrated platform was developed and organized into modules and levels of complexity. It was designed to seamlessly integrate with the company’s existing systems and provide a self-paced learning experience. This ensured employees could complete the training independently and according to availability, without being hindered by their work schedules.

Personalized Content

The capability-building system featured customized training materials tailored to different roles and specific needs within the company. This approach ensured the training was engaging and relevant, facilitating a more profound understanding and quicker adoption of best practices. By addressing the unique requirements of each department, we were able to foster a cohesive and widespread continuous improvement culture.

Evaluation, Practical Application, and Certification System

Tests were incorporated to check knowledge assimilation.  

The self-paced theoretical learning was supplemented with hands-on, practical, on-the-job training to reinforce and consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, culminating in company-wide certification for successful participants.

Continuous Feedback Collection System

We established a mechanism for ongoing participant feedback through the platform, with a dedicated team responsible for continuously monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs). This team incorporated the feedback online into the content to continuously improve the courses.

Comprehensive Communication Plan

An internal campaign was launched using infographics, segmented emails, testimonials, and posts on internal channels to drive high enrollment and create buzz among the audience.

On-Site Coaching Program

At the same time as the e-learning system, the capability-building program also encompassed a six-month on-site coaching program for the company’s production roles in the factories. Support will be provided during the first six months, after which the company will continue autonomously. While e-learning covers more general lean concepts and tools that build essential stability around continuous improvement, this 100% in-person approach covers a more technical and Gemba-centric side, contributing positively to the overall execution and results.


The e-learning program was completed in 4 months, covering 6,000 employees.

In just two weeks after the launch, 900 employees completed the training, with a satisfaction rating of 86%. The internal communication campaign effectively ensured high enrollment, and the monitored KPI indicated a significant improvement in employee skills and knowledge.

The implemented capability-building system allowed the company to align its continuous improvement practices efficiently and in a scalable way, overcoming cultural, geographical, and language barriers. The self-paced e-learning approach, personalized content, on-the-job implementation, and a strong internal communication plan, contributed to a comprehensive and sustainable continuous improvement culture.

Sustain Results by Training Key Roles

The on-site coaching program intends to reach approximately 800 employees, as seen in the following graph:

Capability Building on-site coaching program graph showing the number of core team members trained.

The above graph shows the sustained results of training key roles. By training core team members in 7 standards, the company aims to reach a critical mass of 75% by 2025. The phases are as follows:

Phase 1: 170 members (25%)

Phase 2: 412 members (50%)

Phase 3: 621 members (75%)

Phase 4: 745 members (90%)

Phase 5: 820 members (100%)

This structured approach ensures the company builds and sustains critical capabilities among its key roles, driving continuous improvement across the organization.

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