Strat to Action
The KAIZEN™ method for turning Strategy into Action

In most organizations, there is a huge gap in converting the strategy into action, compromising the achievement of economic and financial performance of excellence and, consequently, sustained growth in the long term.
This book describes the journey of a company over a three-year period, which evolves from poor performance to high levels of growth and profitability, using the KAIZEN™ Management Model. Throughout the several chapters, the application of the Strat to Action methodology, based on the Japanese concept Hoshin Kanri, is presented.
Strat to Action turns strategy into action, challenging and preparing companies for the future through methodical management focused on process improvement, commitment from leaders, and accountability of all people involved.
Reading this book will allow the reader to understand Hoshin’s potential in organizational transformation and growth year after year.
by Alberto Bastos | Charlie Sharman (2019)